The Hate You Give and other films

The Hate U Give is a film that marked me a lot at the beginning of the year. As in my previous article on the…

Discovering Neroli Fragrance

Neroli Fragrance is a timeless perfume. We find it in the creations of famous houses and is generally a note appreciated by a large amount…

Poached pear with spices & frangipane

For New Year’s Eve, I wanted a light dessert, so I went on the idea of ​​a pear poached spice! I remember enjoying it at…

A week end in Prague : the cityguide of Yoan & Sarah

Last November, I had the chance to go to Prague for a few days. As usual, I will come back on this week end and…

New Year’s Resolutions : how to make and keep them

How to make (and keep) New Year’s Resolutions ? We talked about this during this last Sunday’s #ThéPsy live and like in yesterday’s, I wanted…

Discovering the real french nougat

French nougat : a traditional delicacy that we often associate with Montélimar. Nevertheless, I always tasted nougat in Provence – when I went there younger.…

Masks cure by Laboté Paris

The Laboté shop has a new look and the brand has launched a new concept: the masks cure. I’ve already told you about this brand…

Raspberry and White Chocolate Christmas log

This year, I wanted to make a Raspberry and White Chocolate Christmas log. With raspberry, the pink is in the spotlight and I wanted to…