Storage tips inspired by Marie Kondo

In the article of the day, I will share my storage tips, some of which are inspired by Marie Kondo. During my last move, I wanted to optimize the space and organize my best business – while being a little more minimalist, subject that I will discuss soon on the blog. What I’m going to share here are valid for clothes but also for other categories of your home.

My storage tips: the KonMari technique

The KonMari technique is broken down into 7 steps :

  1. Sort by categories and not part. The first step is to gather all the items of the same category in one place. For clothes, I put everything on the bed. It is really important to be able to visualize EVERYTHING we have in this or that category.
  2. Making Intermediate Stacks: When we are faced with a huge pile of clothes or any business, we will feel overwhelmed. Sorting will have to be strict and uncompromising with the famous “spark of joy”. This concept developed by Marie Kondo is the following: take one of your clothes (or other object) and try to feel if this object brings you joy. It is not always easy to connect to this type of sensations. I will then advise you to make four piles: to throw / recycle, to give, to sell, to preserve. All the damaged clothes, worn, separate in! You do not need to keep x outfit to hang out at home or tinkering. Do the storing solo: our belongings belong to us, so it’s important to connect to it and choose by and for ourselves what we wish to make some. If you live as a couple or have children, accompany them but do not do it for them. Avoid sabotage! Love and thank each object: to separate from objects can be difficult because of their sentimental value, etc. We must therefore make choices. When we leave some of our things, thank him and say goodbye. It is a beautiful way of experiencing mourning or a sweet moment of nostalgia.Plier and not suspend: mostly, Marie Kondo favors folds to hangers because they tend to damage our clothes because we stack them, tighten, etc. In short, we put too much on hangers and not enough in drawers (it’s another story when the drawers are missing!). According to Marie Kondo, the only things that should be suspended are the dresses, the jackets, the skirts, and the delicate blouses.
  3. Plier to the vertical: it is the ultra brilliant trick of the KonMari method. Instead of putting piles of t-shirts or pants in your drawers, fold them vertically. First of all because the clothes under the pile are damaged more quickly, because they are crushed and compressed under the weight of other clothes, and then because we forget the parts that are under the pile and do not wear them almost never. To perform a perfect vertical folding, first fold the garment lengthwise and then fold it into 3, or 4 depending on the height of the drawers. This allows us to have a clearer view of our closet and to avoid picking up the batteries when we get ready in the morning!
  4. Use boxes and lids: you can recycle new shoe boxes or others to organize the inside your drawers and your cabinets. Personally, I invested in some storage boxes and baskets because I did not have drawers in my dressing area. I also recycle box boxes like Birchbox, etc. in order to organize small objects.

The art of folding clothes

As explained previously, the KonMari technique is about folding. I detail here all the techniques of the folding to take advantage of all these tricks storage.

The folding asks to create a rectangle with the clothes :

  • For the tops (T-shirts, sweaters, etc): to fold the third of right or of Left first, fold the sleeves and fold the other third (right or left that has not been folded). Then fold the rectangle in half – leaving a small space at the top and then bending it again. For tank tops or sweatshirts, fold straps and hood at the top of the t-shirt to create this rectangle and fold as explained above.
  • For the pants : put one leg over the other and fold part one little point of the crotch.
  • For underwear : I fold the crotch, then in three the rectangle creates. For storage in the box, I fold them in half again to see the model that is referred to when stored.
  • For bras: tie the staples of the bra then enter the straps into the cups. Then fold the undergarment in half.
  • For socks : place the two socks one on the other, flat. Fold in half at the soles of the feet. Then fold in two or three the lengthat the ankle.

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